Friday, January 3, 2014

23 Things You Should Just Do, Period.

I’ve seen a lot of lists lately, and all of them made some points I agreed with and some I disagreed with. That is the way the world goes and I love it. I love it so much that I’ve decided to jump on the band wagon and make my own list.* These are things that you can do, no matter your race, socio-economic status, gender, sexual orientation, or relationship status.


23 things you should just do, period.

1.       Go explore. I don’t care where you do this, just do it. Locally, nationally, internationally, or universally (that’s right go to the moon), there is always something out there that you haven’t seen, so go see it.

2.       Relax. There is no need to let stress get you down. If that means talking it out, working it out, or bathing it out, just let it out!

3.       Brush your teeth. No one wants to smell your rank morning breath combined with your Olive Garden lunch, so just brush your teeth.

4.       Love others. This is something Christians are called to do (Mark 12:31), but I think that this is something everyone should do. If you are taking care of yourself (relaxing, basic hygiene), it is much easier to take care of and love others.

5.       Have an open door policy. Be an ear for people and offer them a blanket to sleep with if they need it. We are all looking to connect with people, so make it easy for people to connect with you.

6.       Call your mentors. You know those people who helped you get to where you are? Call them and say thank you. People don’t hear that enough (unless you help me at Chick-fil-a, in which case I’m overly nice because you are overly nice).

7.       Volunteer. Everyone has something to offer, so use your gifts and help others.

8.       Bake a cake. Bake it for yourself, for your friends, for your less-than-friends, for everyone, because everyone loves cake. (Disclaimer: If you don’t love cake, I’m sorry I lumped you into this, bake whatever you like and share it, maybe you’ll meet someone else who doesn’t like cake and you can overthrow me.)

9.       Find something you are passionate about at this moment in your life. I’m 20, and in these brief two decades I have wanted to be; the first woman president, a ballerina, a mom, a teacher, a pop star/Broadway star/movie star/TV star, and now I want to be a pastor. In another 10 years, I have no idea what I’ll want to be doing, but right now I know what I’m passionate about and I’m running with it.

10.   Talk with someone who has a completely different life story. It is always good to hear stories that you’ve never experienced, it takes all kinds of people to make this world go round, and instead of criticizing others, encourage others to be the best they can be.

11.   Friends. Make them, love them, treasure them. Case closed.

12.   Go garage sale-ing. You find the coolest things, meet the most interesting people, and it is all discounted! WOOT WOOT!

13.   Sing. Whether it is Taylor Swift, Macklemore, or some hipster band only you and your friends know about. Whether it is songs of worship, sadness, or silliness. JUST SING! But I do request that you keep it amongst you and your friends because I’d feel really bad about laughing at you during the American Idol auditions.

14.   Write a letter of encouragement. Ingrid Michaelson has a song that goes, “everybody, everybody wants to love. Everybody, everybody wants to be loved.” It’s true. Show someone some platonic love!

15.   Wear a crazy outfit and go bowling. You could do this by yourself, but it would be WAY more fun to do with friends, trust me, I speak from experience.

16.   Learn to swim. You don’t want to drown, do you? And if you already know how to swim, go for a swim, it is a great workout and low impact on your joints.

17.   Wear an analog watch. Because you’ll feel like Gatsby and “there ain’t no party like a Gatsby party!” It will also help you appreciate how far technology has come.

18.   Listen to your favorite childhood songs. Because it is also a great exercise and it warms your heart.

19.   Draw some mustaches( or as this really cool 5 year old I met says “moose-staches”). Because it will warm your heart, and your upper lip.

20.   Learn how to do something you always wanted to learn. Because you’ll feel awesome and accomplished and it can help you make new friends.

21.   Try a new food. It is a way to adventure without breaking the bank.

22.   Laugh. REALLY REALLY HARD!!! Like to the point where tears start falling, your stomach hurts, and no sound can escape your mouth. It is the best. My sister Stephanie and I laughed like that while she helped me make this list.

23.   Focus on what matters in life. Building each other up is way more important and being hyper-critical of others. Let’s help everyone be the best person they can be no matter what stage of life they are in.


*And there are 1,000,000,000,000 other things you should or could do. I won’t tell you what to do, these are just suggestions.