Monday, September 17, 2012

One Month In

On this day one month ago, I moved into my dorm room, said good bye to my family (so hard), and began a new chapter in my life. This post is written to introduce all of you to new characters in my life and show you my new setting.


Katie Lee (Roommate)

Major: Musical Theater

Goes to CSU Fullerton, but sleeps here at HIU

Thank you for serenading me with your beautiful music and always making me laugh. You’ve reminded me that I don’t need to take myself too seriously and that it’s OK to have fun. I can’t wait to come and see you perform on Broadway and say, “I knew her when…”


Alyssa Heftman (Roommate)

Major: Liberal Studies

Wants to be a an elementary school teacher and takes classes at HIU

Thank you for catching my funny moments and laughing and for buying me an Oreo McFlurry and for listening, and for praying with me, and for being you. You are going to be the greatest elementary school teacher the world has ever seen.
Nicole Bernadini (Roommate)
Major: Graphic design
Goes to CSU Fullerton, but sleeps here
Thank you for making such beautiful artwork that I get to see, and for listening to me. I love your laugh and how crazy faces make your day. You are going to make such beautiful pieces that will be displayed in galleries around the world.
Jordan Lewis
Major: currently undeclared, but wants to become a nutritionist
Takes classes here at HIU and lives across the hall from me
Thank you for being from Oregon and understanding how it feels to be homesick. I’ve been so blessed by spending time with you. You are intelligent and beautiful and will do wonderful things. No matter where we end up, I’ll be there for you.
Faith Wilson
Major: Biblical Studies
Takes classes at HIU and had my dorm room last year
From our first 145!!!! I knew we would be friends. Thanks for letting me cry, being excited about ministry and sharing a love for the same junk foods I do.


Brit Thackam (Full name is too cool for the internet)
Major: English
Takes classes at HIU and is one of many wonderful RAs
Thank you for listening to me and making me feel valuable here on campus for this first month. You’re encouragement has probably meant more to me than you’ll know. Oh, and thanks for introducing me to Pie-ology!
My bed and stuffed animals I just HAD to bring from home!

My desk, I promise I spend hours here!
The family collage that Debra Weins made for me. It distracts me more than anything when I'm studying at my desk. OOOPPS!
A close up of the collage. Don't stare too hard, some of those photos are a little embarassing...
View of little desk area and patio. It's kind of a lie though because we NEVER open our blinds, it is far too hot right now for that!
My oh so glorious fan! It runs 24/7. Best $22 ever spent!
The view as soon as you walk in. Our room is set up a little different, there are actually walls that break one omni-room into two. I share my side with Katie. We also have a tiny bathroom, but it's in the room which is a plus!
Just the start of m decorations on my wall. I'm starting to build memories here! The Kite and rainbow were made by Lilly Michael. The Michael family has been so kind and opened up their home to me. They are such a blessing!
I've covered my carts with pictures, notes, and memories from home. I love it!
My textbooks. What I've absolutely loved about the last month here has been taking a faith, that is so fervent in my heart, and gaining the knowledge to back it up.
My life in room 145 looks promising!

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