Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thank God for Hometowns

Carrie Underwood sings a beautiful song called “Thank God for Hometowns”. I heard it this summer and wondered if I would ever be able to truly relate. The hometown she describes is small, where everyone knows everyone, and Tacoma is quite far from that.

This past week silenced my doubts. True, I know hardly anyone in the great city of Tacoma, but I know enough.

I was blessed with an unexpected gift of being able to go home for Thanksgiving break, which is one week for m school, and it was so the perfect gift.

One of my favorite days being home was Sunday, where I hugged more people in one day than I had the entire time I was in California and it was refreshing; to be reminded that there are dozens of people still supporting me, praying for me, loving on my family. To everyone that hugged me that day, I don’t think you realize how much I needed that.

I also had countless conversations with people about my time at school. Each conversation reminded me that I am doing the right thing. College is probably the scariest adventure I’ve ever been on, but I love it. I don’t think I would change the things that brought me to this moment. Sure some of it has been hard, unpleasant, uncomfortable, etc. but it has been so worth it. I’ve grown more in these last few months than I have ever in my life.

This doesn’t mean I don’t miss my hometown, it just means I appreciate my two different lives even more than before. But I’m also ready to be back home for Christmas too.


So to all of you who make up my life in Washington:

I love you. It almost makes me cry to think about the amazing community I’ll always have. Carrie Underwood’s song says, “Cause when you’re lost out in this crazy world/you’ve got somewhere to go/ that you get found”. Every time I feel a little lost, you all remind me that God has me here for a purpose. I’m also grateful for the open arms I find when I get to be with you.


To all of you who make up my life in California:

You are helping me have two hometowns. You are showing me love and I couldn’t be here without you. For however long God has me here in Cali, I’m blessed that I can journey with all of you.

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