Saturday, January 26, 2013

College is weird

*DISCLAIMER: Please pardon this mild bout of teenage angst. I hope it encourages others to talk about being awkward, which will hopefully help you feel less awkward. This is not a plea for help or fake complimets, it is merely some word vomit on page. I'm happy where I am and would change it for the world.*

Here is what I’ve discovered; the first year of college might be the most INSANELY awkward time of your life. Forget middle school, and that’s saying something because those were pretty harsh on me, the first year of college is bizarre.

To start, many first time college kids have never spent anytime truly being independent. They just spent the last eighteen years either having their moves dictated by their parents or narrating their moves to their parents. Then, you pack up, get dropped off, and the boundary is suddenly different. For me, I moved 1,000+ miles away and I mean I could call my parents when I got in every night but, 1) that would be weird and 2) they can’t really do much about my actions. (I promise, I haven’t become some crazy rebel, and I still respect my parents more than you could ever know.) For kids and parents alike, it’s this awkward, “WHAT DO WE DO???!!!!” moment that takes quite a bit of trial and error.

Second, I don’t know about you, but I lived in the same area with the same people for most of my life. I met a solid group of kids in fourth grade, and while there was some fluctuating numbers, I really didn’t have to truly make friends. I went from obligated to friendships, to “am I even socially acceptable anymore?” Awkward, to say the least.

From there, you’re thrown in a building with hundreds of other people who weren’t raised like you. Conflict resolution, bathroom time, the sleeping situation, the study habits, EVERYTHING requires some weird form of co-existing. College is like the ultimate blended family without parents. I’m still trying to figure it out.

Some days, I really feel like I’m getting the hang of my new life. I feel confident, strong, sure of myself. Then days, like this week, I just feel awkward, like I’m just stumbling through college. I’ve felt so out of my comfort zone this week. I went to go pick up a soccer ball and I just couldn’t grab it, my hands couldn’t compute what my brain was telling it to do and I ultimately looked like a fool.

I had those days in high school too. And maybe the rest of my life will be like that. One day, I’m the swan, the next day I’m the ugly duckling. Maybe that’s OK though? And maybe I’m just crazy?

So, what about you? Every feel like you span the spectrum? Any advice on not being awkward in college?

^College is kind of like this^

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