Saturday, June 16, 2012

You've Got to Fight for Your Right to ... Love

What an odd title. That’s what many of you are thinking. That is, everyone except for MHL. Tonight, I had a nice long heart to heart with my soul sista. She went away to college and I stayed here this last school year. We got everything all out in the open tonight. It was hard, but wonderful. We both had to be vulnerable, a very taboo thing, and say things that might hurt. It was a “fight”. Not like we were fighting each other but we were fighting ourselves.

We realized that our friendship meant more than our pride. That being honest and “weak” made us strong. I know for me, it was an uphill battle.  One of my parting remarks was, “I’m glad we got this all out in the open. I feel like there is no longer an awkward barrier between us.” She just grinned and nodded back. It didn’t need words, just love. The relationship her and I have has been a struggle. We are both stubborn and strong in our own ways and sometimes too proud. We laid down those weapons and instead picked up tools of love.

It is like that with God too. After MHL and I finished our Skype date, I clicked over to Youversion, my online Bible reading plan and I read, “The Parable of the Wedding Banquet” (Matt. 22:1-14). Verse 14 says, “"For many are invited, but few are chosen." NIV. Every person is called to love Jesus, to surrender our selfish ways and live for something much bigger than anything we could imagine. We are all invited to His kingdom, but few actually make it there. We have to fight for the best relationship possible with Jesus. We have to fight for our friendships here on earth. Fighting for love is the best battle. Our relationship with Christ wasn’t designed to be easy, neither were the best relationships here on earth. Friends are a gift from God, and I’m grateful for them each day.

Our first  ever TOMS, painted together!

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